
Marapost (Neto)

Send your prices to your Neto site at the same time your prices are sent to eBay. This is useful if you use a Neto extension/service to sync your products to eBay so your prices aren't changed back next time the sync occurs from Neto.

Neto site setup

  1. Go to the "Setup & tools" menu
  2. Select "All settings & tools" menu

  1. Under Developer Tools select API Settings

  1. Copy the API key from here

Price Guard Neto settings

  1. Go to your account preferences
  2. Select "Neto" from the Repricing dropdown

A new tab "Neto" will become available in the menu.

  1. Enter your Neto site base URL, eg
  2. Enter the API key from the last Neto step

Now save your settings and you're done.
