Using Price Guard

Source products (dropshipping)

Source product tracking allows you to track the cost of the product from your supplier.

Price Guard will update your product's price on eBay when this changes, based on your profit percentage. If the product becomes unavailable form the supplier, your product on eBay will be set to out of stock.

Business plan or higher

Source product tracking is available on the Business and Ultimate plans.

Why should I use source product tracking?

  • Don't lose money if the supplier's price increases.
  • Don't sell products that are no longer available from your supplier.
  • Maintain your eBay item quantity at a specified level as long as the source product is available.

Setting things up

How to set up source product tracking in your Price Guard account.

Account preferences

Navigate to Account > Preferences and you will see the Product sources tab.

In here you will find some options for enabling and disabling certain sources available for tracking.

Note that website sources will enable all of the available sources that don't have their own separate option in here. This allows entering a url to the source product to track.

Under the Stock tab, there are a few options for stock notifications, but the important option here is to ensure the Maintain quantity option is enabled. This will ensure that when a source product has been out of stock and becomes available again, your desired quantity available will be sent through to eBay and your eBay item brought back into stock.

Product settings

  1. When editing a product in Price Guard, click on the "Source product" tab on the top left of the page.
  2. Click the toggle to enable source product tracking for this product.
  3. Select the type of product tracking that suits. Eg. there is specific tracking for sites such as Dropship Zone, or select "Webpage URL" to enter the product URL from whatever site your product is on.
  4. Enter the URL product URL. If the site isn't currently supported, you will be alerted when saving. In this case, please Contact us to request support for the site.

  1. In the repricing section, it is you can set the min price to "calculated".
  2. After the first check, the cost price will come from the source product.
  3. Enter the cost for shipping the product to the customer.
  4. Enter the minimum profit you are happy to make on this item.

Save your product and that's it! The supplier price will be checked each day and update your prices as necessary.

Repricing rules will work as normal, the minimum price is just based on your supplier product.

Add new eBay listing based on source product details

Specific sources only

Although price and availability tracking is available for a lot of sources, adding new listings directly is only available for some specific sources.

Enter the reference for the source product, and available data such as description, images etc. will be retrieved. You can then send a new listing to eBay using this data. Note that only certain sources are supported for this.

Click the "Add listing" link in the sidebar menu. If you don't see this think, it means you have no source products enabled that support this option.

  1. Select your product source.
  2. Enter the product reference.
  3. Click this button to fetch the data from the source product.

You will get data from the source product like below:

Edit any details that are missing or you'd like to change, then save the listing to send it through to eBay.

Using the Chrome extension

For some sources, the Chrome extension supports sending the page details through to Price Guard directly from the page you'd like to add a listing from.

When a page is supported, you will see a link in the extension "+ Create eBay listing".
